Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So...yeah. Day 5.

I'm writing this from the Starbucks in Concord Mills. I'm here waiting to get the XM radio installed by Best Buy (cheaper than the dealer. They took the wires outta Maxiniti for me, but wanted to charge DEALER LABOR to install in the Altima. Uh, no. Rat Bastids.)

Well - of course, as I was finishing that, Best Buy called. So I'm finishing this from home.

Day 5 observations:

*I hate to admit it, but I'm a bit more productive at work without the shenanigans of Fb and Twitter.

*Clearly, I need to carry a book with me for the next 26 days! I had all this lag time while I was waiting for the car. I could have tweeted like a mad woman! Instead I sat in Starbucks looking forlorn. :/

*These two college girls talked NON-STOP the entire time I was sitting in Starbucks. Did I talk that much when I was 20?? Jesus.

*These Dead Sea Cosmetics folks are gonna learn to stop flagging me down from their kiosks. I will make you waste time and product doing a demonstration on me. I told you in the first 10 seconds that I make my own stuff and I'm happy with what I got. But if you want to exfoliate my wrist, knock yourself out. Oh - I'm gonna need to see the ingredients list before any of that touches me. Thanks.

*The guy who installed my XM was named "Shirley." I'm sure it was a derivative nick name, but I hate I didn't ask what his actual first name was.

*Yesterday, I found 2 gift cards in one of my wallets. One was a Victoria's Secret gift card that my friend Korin gave me for my birthday. In 2007. Yeah. The other was a Banana Republic gift card my old supervisor gave me for Christmas...in 2008. ::::hangs head in shame:::: Free money!! $30 and $25, respectoively. I am the proud new owner of 5 pairs bikini undies from VS, and 2 Banana Republic shirts. Score!

Hope you had a good day!

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