Thursday, December 2, 2010

Loc It Up

So Lee told me I need to write about hair. LOL! Guess she got tired of me and S23 reminiscing about the crazy folks we've dated in the past.

If you follow me on the other "social networks," then you know that I made the decision a couple of months ago to loc my hair. While I was in NY, I decided to go ahead and get the process started. The hairdresser who started/maintains my brother's locs put in some comb coils for me.

I was concerned about starting with comb coils, because of the loose texture of my hair in the front. When I had them done in 2006, the front ones did not stay in very well. But this time, they seem to be pretty tight. Maybe it's because the ones I got in 2006, weren't meant to be locs.

Anywho, here they are:

I don't have to do much with these, and I like it. I had kind of gotten into that mode once I got to NY. I'd wash my hair, twist it up, untwist for a chunky fro and then every night I just put my scarf on, got up in the morning, fluffed it out and went.

Now I just spray with my Oyin Handmade "Juices and Berries" and I tie up at night before I go to bed. So far, so good. We'll see what it's looking like at the end of week 2. I still need to determine how often I'll have them maintained, and I also need to figure out who will do the maintaining. Likely, Lockstar - a salon here in Charlotte.

I've been reading up and watching YouTube videos...and everyone seems to mention this stage where the hair first starts to actually loc. It gets frizzy and starts acting crazy. I've armed myself with plenty of headwraps, and I will slap them on during this time, if need be! :lol:


LadyLee said...

YAY! A HAIR POST!! *backflips*

Love the coils!

Marilie said...

I'm here for you, Lee. I'll make sure to keep posting my loc progress. :)

Neev said...

I was patiently waiting for a hair post! They look great!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous style.