Today's green veggie of choice was romaine. Specifically, a romaine heart. When I saw that on the list (see previous blog post, Column A), I just glanced at and thought, who uses a romaine heart in a smoothie? And where would one find a romaine heart? Like do I need to buy a bag of romaine and figure out where the heart is? LOL!
Trader Joe's to the rescue!
Who knew?
I still have frozen mango chunks left over from my purchase from Trader Joe's. I did note that Healthy Home Market has fresh mangos and I think I will give those a try next time I'm there. I think frozen works just as well, and then you can add less ice if your fruit is frozen.
I'm not big on in, me sitting down, grabbing a pear and munching on it for a snack. Never has been my thing. But I like the FLAVOR of pears, if that makes sense. I figured I could deal with it after the VitaMix pulverizes it to shreds...LOL!
Since I wasn't sure what the romaine would be like, I figured these two fruit choices would have a strong enough flavor to overpower it, if need be.
Honey: I think I'm allergic to everything that grows in Charlotte. I was talking to a friend and she mentioned reading about how locally grown honey can help people build up an immunity to the allergens that are native to the area. I have to read up on it some more, but I'm sure it couldn't hurt. This morning, I added 1 tablespoon of locally grown honey to give the smoothie some extra sweetness.
Supplements: I have referenced supplements a couple of times as well. When I say "supplements," this is what I'm referring to:
(it made a lot more than this, more than my 20 oz insulated bottle can hold, but I just poured some into this glass so I could share the pic.)
This came out pretty good! Sweeter than I thought it would be. I think I mostly taste pear...but it could be some of the mango as well. Romaine is clearly not as strongly flavored as kale. I think romaine would pretty much work with whatever fruits you put with it, so play around with the ones you like.
I think I want to try a carrot & apple combo next...just need to decide which green veggie to put with it.
iKried(LMAO) at you wondering if you'd have to get the romaine and find the heart!
My Aunt makes the best smoothies. I need to invest in a smoothie maker so I can have them for breakfast.
I am removing that K from your keyboard!!! LOL! I used to make fruit smoothies all the time, but I actually like playing around with adding the green veggies. Good stuff. It's a filling breakfast, too.
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