Friday, November 25, 2011

Made It Through!

We had to visit three houses yesterday for Thanksgiving. That's a lot of people and a lot of food. Not to mention, I had to try to watch the Cowboys/Dolphins game. Lots to do!

We got up and headed to the football field so that LDR could play on the Turkey Bowl. That's the annual game where high school alum come back to live their dreams, lol. When we got there, only my brother and one other guy was there. Now last year there were a ton of people and it was probably 20 degrees colder!

While they waited for players, I went down to the track and started my work out. I got a 5 minute walk and a 2 mile jog in before they decided to head to another city high school to see if everyone had convened over there.

We made it over to the 2nd school and there were people there, but none from our school. LDR got in the game and I jogged another mile and walked 2 miles, and then we left.

We showered and headed to my mom's house first. I wanted to see my niece before she left and went to her mom's side of the family. Our gathering was small this year. My sisters stayed down south, and of course my dad is gone.

LDR only eats fish, and it seems like his family forgets that every year. I asked my mom the day before to fix him some, so soon after we arrived she fried some up for him. I had a small plate of food and we chatted for a bit. Then it was on to my future MIL's house.

Did I mention that LDR has 10 siblings? 7 on his mom's side and 3 on his dad's side. So momma LDR's house is always a cacophony of sounds; nieces, nephews, siblings, everyone! We settled in to watch the game and then during halftime we watched a DVR'd episode of Restaurant Impossible because LDR's nephew was hired to be a chef at this particular restaurant after it was cleaned up. I had another small plate of food and we had a good time laughing and talking. His second oldest sister asked when I was gonna become her sister in law and I told her to talk to LDR. LOL!

After my Cowboys' narrow victory over the Dolphins, we headed to my future FIL's house. They didn't cook this year, so I didn't have to make room for another plate. However he FID serve me the best piece of bean pie I ever had in my life. I could use another slice right now! Anywho, we didn't stay too long because LDR decided to work the holiday. We came back to my mom's house and he took a nap in the back bedroom until it was time for work.

And that was our day! I slept over at mom's and I'm here now while he rests at home. Not sure what we're gonna be doing later. I have really enjoyed my vacay and I'm sad it's winding down. I hope everyone had a great holiday! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now I want some bean pie...